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character info

"Hope you're ready for a taste of real action, sweetheart."

FULL NAME.   Frederick Otto Angelle
AGE.   27
GENDER.   Male
OCCUPATION.   Vigilante
SPECIES.   Human

CURRENT HOME.   Gotham City
ETHNICITY.   Caucasian
PARENTS.   Harold Angelle (adopted father), Diane Angelle (adopted mother)
SIBLINGS.   Gale Angelle (adopted brother), Klaus Angelle (adopted brother)

HAIR.   Short blonde
EYES.   Green
HEIGHT.   6'4"
BUILD.   Athletic build

POSITIVE TRAITS.   protective, loyal, selfless
NEGATIVE TRAITS.   hotheaded, reckless, sarcastic
LIKES.   His brother, cigarettes, explosives, rock music
DISLIKES.   authority, anyone hurts his family, being told what to do
MORAL ALIGNMENT.   Chaotic neutral


Fredrick Angelle's early years were marred by the cold neglect of his wealthy adoptive family, the Angelles of Gotham. Despite their opulence, they reserved their kindness for Fredrick's younger brother Klaus and older brother Gale, leaving Fredrick to navigate a lonely and often abusive childhood. His sole solace came in the form of his fierce protection of Klaus, determined to shield him from the same cruelty he endured. It was during his nocturnal escapes from the Angelle mansion that he forged an unbreakable bond with Jason Todd, his loyal companion in Gotham's shadows. As the years passed, Fredrick honed his skills in craftsmanship, particularly in the art of crafting explosives, a talent he cultivated under the mentorship of Bruce Wayne and Alfred Pennyworth after they took him and Klaus under their wing. Now, armed with both physical prowess and a burning desire for justice, Fredrick Angelle stands ready to protect Gotham from the darkness that once threatened to consume him.

character info

"Welcome to The Band of Misfits!"

FULL NAME.   Zander Owens
AGE.   20
GENDER.   Male
OCCUPATION.   Fighter | Level 10
SPECIES.   Human

BIRTHPLACE.   California
CURRENT HOME.   The virtual expanse of "Whispers of Fate."
NATIONALITY.   American Samoa

HAIR.   Short soft windswept black hair
EYES.   Soft green
HEIGHT.   6'1"
BUILD.   Athletic build

PERSONALITY.   Zander Owens, the Guild leader of the Misfits, is the ultimate squad captain, with his shy yet caring vibe making him a natural leader. Though he can easily get overwhelmed, his bravery and strength always shine through, bringing the team together. Despite being on the autism spectrum and not grasping sarcasm, his happy-go-lucky and loving nature make him the heart and soul of the crew.LIKES.   Gaming, His Friends, Animals, Going on Quests, Collecting items, Quietness, Sweet Food
DISLIKES.   Unable to understand Sarcasm, People who are angry at him without telling him why, Cheaters, Being treated like he dumb or a kid just because he's autistic


Zander was born into the opulent embrace of an old-money family, the sole heir to their prestigious lineage. At the tender age of eight, he received a diagnosis of high-functioning autism, setting the stage for a childhood marked by the challenges of navigating social interactions. Emotions remained elusive to him, requiring him to painstakingly mimic facial expressions to fit into a world that seemed foreign.However, destiny took a turn on his 20th birthday when he received an unexpected gift: the VR game "Whispers of Fate" along with a bespoke headset from a brand that dwelled in obscurity. Little did he know that this gift would plunge him into a virtual realm from which escape proved impossible. Undeterred, Zander's resourcefulness kicked in as he seized upon rare items and essential equipment within the game, laying the foundation for his own guild, "The Band of Misfits."In this digital domain, he found solace in the company of fellow oddballs and loners, deliberately seeking out those who, like him, danced to the beat of a different drum. Together, they forged a community bound not by convention, but by the strength of their shared experiences and the promise of acceptance in a world that often shunned their uniqueness. Thus, Zander's journey unfolded not as a solitary quest, but as the saga of a leader who turned adversity into opportunity, building a haven for those who dared to embrace their individuality within the virtual expanse of "Whispers of Fate."

character info

"Hey, focus on the puck, not me."

FULL NAME.   Sebastian Müller
NICKNAMES.   Bastian, Basti, Bas
AGE.   24
GENDER.   Male
OCCUPATION.   Left Wing for the 'Oakleaf Wolfpack'
SPECIES.   Human

BIRTHPLACE.   Bavaria, Germany
CURRENT HOME.   Oakleaf College
ETHNICITY.   Bavarian

HAIR.   Short Fluffy Blonde Wavy Hair
EYES.   Sharp Green
HEIGHT.   6'0"
BUILD.   Lean Athletic build

PERSONALITY.   Despite a charming and flirtatious exterior, a stubborn streak and a competitive spirit run deep. He can be non-committal and even possessive at times, but this masks a deep love for his family and a fierce determination to succeedLIKES.   Hockey, His Teammates, His family, Sweet Food
DISLIKES.   The SCC BobCats (in particular Vincent O'Reilly), The Heat, Not getting time on the ice


Growing up on their sprawling Bavarian farm, young Sebastian wasn't just surrounded by rolling hills and fresh air - he was surrounded by the omnipresent sound of hockey commentary from the farmhouse television. His father, Otto, a die-hard DEL fan, ensured the sport seeped into Bastian's very soul. The frozen ponds in winter became his training grounds. Every goal, every perfectly executed maneuver, was a silent tribute to his father, a way to make him proud. Tragedy struck when Bastian was 16. His father succumbed to a long battle with cancer, leaving a void that echoed across the farm. Adrian, ever the responsible elder brother, took over the reins of the family business. But for Bastian, the wide-open fields suddenly felt too confining. He craved a new challenge, a different kind of ice rink. News of Oakleaf College's groundbreaking athletic scholarship program reached Bastian's ears. A prestigious institution in Northern California, renowned for its arts programs, was throwing open its doors to the world of competitive sports. The newly formed hockey team, the Oakleaf Wolfpack, resonated deeply with Bastian. Here was a chance to not only honor his father's love for the sport but also forge his own path, a path paved with ice and determination. Bastian aced his application and his hockey skills, honed on countless Bavarian ponds, sealed the deal. He arrived at Oakleaf College, the "Bavarian Wolf," ready to prove himself. His powerful slap shot and unwavering focus on the ice are a constant reminder of his dedication and the memory of his father cheering him on from afar. While he misses his family dearly, video calls filled with laughter and his sister's enthusiastic updates keep him grounded. Bastian is determined to make his mark on the Wolfpack, not just for himself, but for his family and the legacy his father left behind.

character info

"¡Esto es vivir! Pure, unadulterated Vegas magic."

FULL NAME.   Damon Knight
NICKNAMES.   Mon, Dame
AGE.   28
GENDER.   Male
OCCUPATION.   Event Promoter at "Eclipse Lounge"
SPECIES.   Human

BIRTHPLACE.   Los Angeles, California
CURRENT HOME.   Las Vegas, Nevada
ETHNICITY.   Puerto Rican

HAIR.   Meduim Fluffy Brown Hair
EYES.   Sharp Brown
HEIGHT.   6'0"
BUILD.   Lean Athletic build

PERSONALITY.   Charismatic, Resilient, Confident, Independent, Playboy, Street-Smart, Laid back, Loyal (to a fault), Energetic, Guarded, RecklessLIKES.   The Nightlife of Vegas, club music, cigars, fast cars, A good Classic Mojito
DISLIKES.   Cops, Commitment, Basic Routine


Damon was born in the gritty underbelly of Los Angeles, California, in 1996. His father was a notorious gang member called Rico "Razor" Knight, and his mother was a talented tattoo artist called Isabella or "Bella" Knight. The streets were Damon’s playground, and he quickly learned the harsh realities of life. When Damon was just six, his father was killed in a brutal shootout, leaving a void that would never truly be filled. His mother, trying to escape the violent environment, moved them to Las Vegas. However, the city of neon lights and endless nights had its own set of vices. Struggling to cope with the loss and the pressure of single parenthood, Damon’s mom turned to drugs. The addiction consumed her, and Damon found himself largely unsupervised. Without a guiding hand, Damon’s teenage years were a whirlwind of mischief and rebellion. He became adept at skirting the edges of the law, always one step ahead of trouble. The chaotic nightlife of Vegas became his playground, and he thrived in the freedom it offered. School was a mere formality, and Damon’s real education came from the streets and the clubs. Now 28, Damon is a charismatic and savvy event promoter for the hottest spot on the Strip, "Eclipse Lounge." With his charm and street smarts, he's made a name for himself in the nightlife scene. Known for throwing the wildest parties and attracting the most glamorous crowds, Damon has become a staple in Vegas nightlife.

character info

"Strength is not solely measured in battle, but in the wisdom to protect our lands and nurture our people."

FULL NAME.   Eldest Prince Kaelen Thalor
NICKNAMES.   Kael, Kaelen
AGE.   27 in human years
GENDER.   Male
OCCUPATION.   Eldest Prince of Felyndral
SPECIES.   Celaran

HAIR.   Short golden blonde, curly
EYES.   Sky blue
HEIGHT.   188 cm
BUILD.   Muscular Athletic build
WINGS.  70 inches (177 cm), gray with white tips

PERSONALITY.   Unyielding, Emotionally Reserved, Hot-headed, passionate, fierce, Stubborn, Reckless, Disciplined, Charming, Skeptical, Protective, Strategic, Persistent.LIKES.   Quiet of the forest, Strategic intricacies of battle, finding solace and focus in honing his skills with a blade, Reading ancient texts and studying the history
DISLIKES.   Betrayal and dishonesty. Those who exploit the weak or innocent, The Drow from the Kingdom of Umbravale.


Born into the royal lineage of Felyndral, Kaelen was trained as a Sky warrior from a young age, developing a fiery temper and unmatched prowess in battle. As the eldest prince, he bears the heavy responsibility of protecting Felyndral from external threats and internal strife, driven by the haunting memory of his mother's death during a raid when he was a child. Despite a strained relationship with his envious younger brother and his uncompromising nature, Kaelen's deep loyalty to his family and friends remains unwavering, often putting their needs above his own.

character info

"Lost your mommy, or are you always this clueless?"

FULL NAME.   Jihun Heo
AGE.   22
GENDER.   Male
OCCUPATION.   Back-up vocalist and K-POP Idol for a band called 'StriVe'
SPECIES.   Human


HAIR.   fade-cut hair with dyed blue top and black sides
EYES.   Brown eyes
HEIGHT.   6'3"
BUILD.   Muscular Athletic build

PERSONALITY.   short tempered, blunt, stubborn,sarcastic,self-important, curt, cheekyLIKES.   Dancing, Sweet foods, Technology, Arcades, Smoking
DISLIKES.   Rival idols, His manager, His own fans,
MORAL ALIGNMENT.   Chaotic Neutral


Jie was born in the UK to a British mother and a Korean father. His father was a kpop idol back in his day and inspired Jie to do the same. Jie trained since he was young, being metored in singing and dancing by his very supportive father. When he was sixteen, Jie auditioned for the new idol group HeaVen and became their newest and youngest member, his parents moving to Korea to support his dreams. Three years after joining HeaVen, the band went through major controversy when the leader of the group was caught peddling drugs around Korea's K-pop groups. Jie was quickly moved to the companies lesser known group, StriVe, the maknae group to HeaVen. Jie started to act out immediately as around the same time of the controversy, Jie's mother passed away and all the sudden changes made it hard to control his anger. After two years in the group and Jie constantly misbehaving, Jie was benched for bad behavior, sent back to the company to retake classes in behavior and etiquette.

character info

"Talent is one thing, but without discipline and dedication, it means nothing. You have to earn your place every single day."

FULL NAME.   Gregory McAllister
NICKNAMES.   Greg, Coach
AGE.   47
GENDER.   Male
OCCUPATION.   Wolfpack Assistant Coach
SPECIES.   Human


HAIR.   Medium silvery blonde starting to turn silver
EYES.   Light Brown eyes
HEIGHT.   6'3"
BUILD.   Muscular Athletic build

PERSONALITY.   Very Gruff, can come off very cold, Wise,Supportive,Patient,Empathetic,Authoritative,Motivational,Disciplined, Overbearing, Workaholic, Rigid, Protective, Charismatic.LIKES.   Hockey, Local Art, Classic Literature, Collecting Vinyl Records, Camping
DISLIKES.   Laziness and lack of effort. Dishonesty and disloyalty. Losing control of a situation.


Gregory McAllister grew up in a tight-knit community in a small town in Minnesota, where ice hockey wasn't just a sport but a way of life. Excelling in the local leagues, he earned a full-ride scholarship to a prestigious university, propelling him into a promising career as a Right Wing for The Rangers. However, his dreams were shattered when a severe knee injury abruptly ended his playing days. Transitioning into coaching was a natural step to stay connected to the game he loved, but it came with its own challenges. Gregory's intense dedication to his coaching role often mirrored the single-minded focus that contributed to the strain in his marriage. Six years divorced, he maintains a complex relationship with his ex-wife, navigating their connection through their shared devotion to their son, Douglas(23), who follows in his father's footsteps on the ice. Gregory's coaching style, known for its tough love approach, has earned him a mix of respect and resentment from his players, reflecting his own internal struggle to balance ambition with personal relationships.


Worlds from the minds of Jell & Moose

This isn't your typical VRMMO. Sure, you've got your sprawling elven ruins, sky-piercing mountains, and epic loot – but Whispers of Fate has a nasty secret. The line between pixels and reality is as thin as a kobold's scimitar, and what started as a thrilling escape into D&D fantasy has become a desperate fight for survival.

Elaria is a sprawling and diverse land, rich in magic and steeped in ancient history. The terrain ranges from dense forests and rolling hills to vast deserts and towering mountains. Each kingdom within Elaria boasts its own unique culture, architecture, and natural beauty, creating a tapestry of realms that coexist in a delicate balance. At the beginning of this tale, the world of Elaria is in a period of uneasy peace, with whispers of old alliances and ancient rivalries stirring just beneath the surface.